Thank you for contacting us! Will get back to you with more such contents.


Yoga means 'union' or connection with the self. People are very much into the outer world than their own self .They think solving the problems in the outer world will solve their issue and they will be happy. But we know their is not a single problem in our life. With the increasing days, problems also get added up.

But you know everything depends on the reaction we make ,out of the those issues. Our next action is completely dependent on present reaction. People believe it is natural to react certainly bigger as per the  situation's demand. But then obviously you are in Trouble.

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In many places ,we discuss that we should be always prepared for whatever the situation may be. But we never took it seriously. Obviously because we never found how could

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It can be only possible when we are connected with the self and are not affected of the situations that come our way.

What we can do is the expression of who we are like somebody acts, dances ,paints a picture .We may be conscious of it and may be unconscious. But everything you know everything that comes out of us is the expression of who we are But yoga is completely different it is about determining what we want to be.

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This is scientifically  proven that the very fundamentals of ones chemistry or genetics can be changed through practising different systems of YOGA. In sort the limitations that we carry with ourselves will be gone and will see everything around us as a possibility .

 Benefits of yoga


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